About Erin
I love to travel, probably for reasons no more different than yours: my senses are heightened, my introverted disposition lightens, I feel more open and connected to the world, I suddenly have new thoughts – or more likely, the right conditions to let those percolating thoughts finally surface.
I love to travel so much, in fact, that I spent seven years living abroad in Paris and Amsterdam, first as a student and then as a copywriter and PR gal. Of course, what most expats quickly realize is that “traveling” becomes real life just like that; one minute you’re thrilled the local baker greets you by name and remembers your favorite bread, the next, you notice that you order the same bread. Every. Single. Day. And that’s OK! It’s human to crave some morsel of stability and a feeling of home, however we define it. But how can we maintain that sense of wonder that travel brings?
Since returning to NYC in 2011 – the city that will always feel most like home to me – I’m aspiring to keep the same “new eyes” that I have when I visit a place for the first time. Whether in old or new Amsterdam, walking along the canals of Venice, Italy, or Canal street in Chinatown, I want to approach it all as an first-class adventure. I created this blog to share my voyages – both home and away.
Erin Farber Goodhand
Want to get in touch? Send me an email at erinjfarber[at]gmail[dot]com